CCIL: Inclusive Literacy for California Students

Project Name
The California Coalition for Inclusive Literacy (CCIL)
Project Website
Project Description
The California Coalition for Inclusive Literacy (CCIL) supports the design and delivery of Universally Designed professional learning in literacy development, equipping teachers and paraeducators with tools and strategies to provide students with disabilities with access to grade-level content standards in inclusive classroom environments.
Through a tiered service model of universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance, CCIL fosters inclusive educational and literacy practices in general and special educational settings, increasing educators’ capacity to provide supports for students with overlapping educational needs.
Universal Supports: CCIL’s universal supports ensure that educators across California can acquire the essential knowledge to provide access to grade-level literacy activities within the general education setting. Activities will include:
- Access to Learning Designed, CAST’s online community learning platform
- CAST’s online course, UDL 101: A Framework for Addressing Learner Variability
- Monthly virtual meet-ups with CCIL participants and the state UDL Coalition
- Free webinars and other literacy, inclusion, and UDL resources, including lesson planning templates, classroom videos, virtual workshops, graphic organizers, and UDL rubrics
- Annual UDL conference in northern CA featuring a literacy strand designed for CCIL educators
Targeted Supports: Teams of educators from up to 8 schools per county will participate in a variety of professional learning activities throughout the school year, including:
- Two regional face-to-face training days
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Monthly personalized virtual learning workshops
- Monthly technical assistance calls with a County Office of Education (COE)/Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) coach
- Participation in 2 sets of CAST-facilitated UDL Instructional Rounds
- Participation in 1 CAST-facilitated Lesson Design Studio
- Opportunities to earn credentials in UDL
Intensive Supports: COE/SELPA coaches in 5 counties will spend three years diving deeply into CAST’s model of universally designed inclusive literacy development. These coaches will learn to facilitate innovative professional learning opportunities that leave COEs with the internal capacity to scale their work across districts and into other counties.

Are you a California educator?
Learn more about the resources and professional development opportunities we can provide to help you support all students in accessing grade-level literacy opportunities within a general education setting.
2020 – 2023
California Department of Education
Fresno County Office of Education
LA County Office of Education
Placer County Office of Education
San Joaquin County Office of Education
Santa Clara County Office of Education
Project Leadership
Jennifer Levine, Director of Professional Learning
Shamryn Coyle, Project Director
For more information about this project, please contact Shamryn Coyle.