Postsecondary Education

We partner with postsecondary education institutions in designing and implementing learning environments that are effective and engaging for all students. Drawing on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, we help instructors, administrators, and other personnel examine the learning goals, materials, technologies, teaching methods, and assessments that together make up a curriculum. We collaborate with community and technical colleges, four-year institutions, and apprenticeship programs to implement UDL-based strategies and tools into their learning environments.
Why is UDL needed in postsecondary education?
First, federal law endorses and provides for it. The Higher Education Opportunity Act calls for instructional environments whose teaching goals, methods, materials, and assessments are based on UDL. This goes a step beyond providing assistive technology and accessible materials, which can lower barriers to access but do not necessarily provide access to learning. Many learners who are not identified as having physical, sensory, and learning disabilities may also struggle to learn due to diverse abilities and backgrounds, differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and other variables that affect perception, executive function, and engagement.
Second, today’s workforce requires individuals who are not only prepared for the job but can learn on the job as technologies, practices, and business needs evolve. Most work today is knowledge work, where ideas and skills need to be applied in a variety of ways (Jacobs & Hawley, 2009). Moreover, new industries, particularly in the STEM field, require multidisciplinary teams with different levels of education and training that can work collectively to address difficult problems. We partner with higher education institutions to prepare all students to be excellent learners, aware of their own capacities and where they need to grow, passionate about learning and leading, and capable at using strategies and skills to continue learning throughout their lives.
Learn about our postsecondary professional learning options
Featured Projects

AccessATE: Accessibility for Community College Technician Education
Supporting community and technical colleges in developing and maintaining accessible materials and practices.

MNTfolio: Customizing e-Portfolios for Undergraduate Research
Our e-portfolio is helping develop research skills in undergraduate micro nano technology researchers.

Project OPEN: Providing UDL Resources for Postsecondary Learning
Whether your postsecondary learning is in-person or online, UDL on Campus has resources and tips for course and assignment development and delivery.