Susan Shapiro

In her role as an Implementation Specialist, Susan partners with educators to implement the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to practice. Before coming to CAST, Susan was on the faculty at Plymouth State University where she designed and coordinated a graduate teacher certification program and taught graduate and undergraduate courses about inclusive elementary education. For over twenty-five years, Susan has consulted with in-service educators on issues related to inclusive learning design in her roles at both the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (UCED) and at the University of Vermont’s Center for Disability and Community Inclusion (UCED). She has presented nationally and internationally and co-authored books, chapters, and teacher resources on this topic. Susan taught as an adjunct professor in the Special Education Department at the University of New Hampshire’s Graduate School for nearly a decade. Her earliest jobs were in public elementary schools where she worked as a special educator, a general education classroom teacher, and as one of New Hampshire’s first Inclusion Facilitators.
My Inspiration
We used to think teaching was telling and learning was listening. We now know learning is telling and teaching is listening.
Deborah Meier
M.Ed., Elementary Education, University of New Hampshire
B.A., Elementary and Special Education, Wittenberg University
Selected Publications
Tashie, C., Shapiro-Barnard, S., and Rosetti, Z. (2006). Seeing the Charade: What we need to do and undo to make friendships happen. Nottingham, England: Inclusive Solutions.
Shapiro-Barnard, S., Sgambati, F., Dixon, B., and Nelson, G. (2000). What have we learned about creating inclusive elementary schools? In J. Nisbet and D. Hagner (Eds.), Part of the community: Strategies for including everyone. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Shapiro-Barnard, S. (1997). Preparing the ground for what is to come. In C. Jorgensen (Ed.), Restructuring High Schools for All Students: Taking Inclusion to the Next Level. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.