Skip Stahl

A nationally recognized expert in accessible educational materials and Universal Design for Learning, Skip Stahl accrued extensive experience in advising education stakeholders—including states, district leaders, publishers, and policymakers—on how to make learning environments and products more effective and inclusive for all.
Mr. Stahl was formerly Co-Director of the federally-funded National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM Center), where he lead a national initiative to assure that educational materials are developed and distributed in ways that are accessible, appropriate, and readily available to all students. He was also CAST's Project Director for the Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities, a partnership with the University of Kansas and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education.
Skip's experience as one of CAST's five founding staff members provides an active historical perspective to support the organization's future.
My Inspiration
Two guiding aphorisms offered by my supervisor during my student teaching practicum: “Teach your room and learn your kids” and “Can these students think themselves into a new way of acting, or do they have to act themselves into a new way of thinking?”
MS, Bank Street College of Education
BA, Bard College
Selected Publications
Connell, M.W., Johnston, S.C., Hall, T.E., Stahl, W.M. (2017, in press) Disconnected Data: The Challenge of Matching Activities to Outcomes for Students with Disabilities in Online Learning in Journal of Online Learning Research, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Smith, S.J., Stahl, W.M. (2016) Determining the Accessibility of K–12 Digital Materials: Tools for Educators in Journal of Special Education Leadership 29(2) N , jsel-29-02-05.3
Basham, J. D., Hall, T. E., Carter, R. A., & Stahl, W. M. (2016), Establishing a Student-Centered Environment to Support All Learners in Handbook of Research on Classroom Diversity and Inclusive Education Practice, C.M. Curran & A.J. Petersen (Eds.), IGI Global
Basham, J. D., Stahl, S., Ortiz, K., Rice, M. F., & Smith, S. (2016). Equity matters: Digital & online learning for students with disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities.
Stahl, S & Karger, J (2016) Student Data Privacy, Digital Learning, and Special Education: Challenges at the Intersection of Policy and Practice; Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(2) N
Basham, J. D., Hall, T. E., Carter, R. A., & Stahl, W. M. (2016). An Operationalized Understanding of Personalized Learning. Journal of Special Education Technology, 31(3), 126-136.
Basham, J. D., Stahl, S., Ortiz, K., Rice, M. F., & Smith, S. (2015). Equity matters: Digital & online learning for students with disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities.
Hashey, A, Stahl, S (2014) Making Online Learning Accessible for Students With Disabilities, Teaching Exceptional Children, 46(5). doi: 10.1177/0040059914528329
Ayala, E., Brace, H. J., & Stahl, S. (2012) Preparing teachers to implement universal design for learning. In T.E. Hall, A. Meyer, & D.H. Rose (Eds.), Universal design for learning in the classroom: Practical applications. New York: Guilford.
Rose, D., Hasselbring, T., Stahl, S., & Zabala, J. (2009). Assistive technology, NIMAS and UDL. In D.T. Gordon, J.W. Gravel, & L. Schifter, (Eds.), A policy reader in universal design for learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Hall, T., & Stahl, S. (2006). Using universal design for learning to expand access to higher education. In M. Adams, & S. Brown (Eds.), Inclusive learning in higher education. London: Routledge Falmer.